Wednesday 22 October 2014

TAC New Website!


We have launched our new website! The sermon audio and small groups questions will now be posted here:

Check out the new site!

Thank you!

Note: All audio older than July 2014 will still be housed here. So this blog will not be shut down.

Sunday 19 October 2014

God at Work - 1 Luke 1

1. For the next several weeks we are planning to focus on living for God in the workplace. Go around your group and share:

 i. The job you wanted to have when you were a child and why;

ii. What your current job is (if you do not work for an income, share what you spend your days doing: student, volunteer, searching for a job, stay-at-home parent, etc.). How does your commitment to Christ express itself in your “workplace”? What Bible verses guide you when it comes to working?

2. Read 1 Peter 1.

3. Pastor Bill said that when we are settling matters of identity in our workplace, we need to understand the nature of our citizenship. What does this passage say about our citizenship? What are some of the benefits and responsibilities that we have because of our citizenship?

4. When settling matters of identity in the workplace, we need to understand the nature of our access to God. What did Bill mean when he spoke about this? How does understanding our access to God help us thrive in the workplace?

5. When settling matters of identity in the workplace, we need to understand the nature of our nobility. We are God’s children. What difference should this make to our lives at work?

6. What is one thing you can do this week to better shine for Christ in your “workplace”?

Thursday 16 October 2014

Thanksgiving Weekend (Sunday October 12)

(Skip 1:24 in to audio)

1. Many people take the time at Thanksgiving to share what they have been thankful for over the past year. Do this in your small group. Spend some time worshiping God for what He has done (with or without music).

2. Read John 4:1-42.

3. How is the woman at the well similar to people you regularly interact with? What insights for evangelism do you get from seeing how Jesus interacts with her?

4. What harvest is Jesus concerned with? Do you have any encouraging stories of harvest in recent days?

5. Jesus speaks of sower and reaper. What does each role represent? How do we see these roles in the church/in downtown Toronto today? What insights into ministry does the existence of these two roles give to us?

6. Do you believe that the fields are white for harvest today? Why or why not? How would believing this change you?

7. What do you believe your part in the harvest is? What are you going to do about this this week?

Transformation Prayer - Matthew 17:1-20 (Sunday Oct 5th)

1. Do you have any talents which you showed a lot of promise in, but have plateaued in as of late? Why would you say you showed much talent in this ability? Why have you since plateaued?What is needed to thrive in a particular skill? Is it fair/wise to compare a talent/skill to yourspiritual walk? Why or why not?

2. Imagine a wonderfully equipped playground full of kids playing. One is going down the slide, another digging in the sandbox, one climbing a tree, in the wading pool, on a swing, etc. How would you describe your current spiritual life by comparing it to a child in a playground? Why did you choose this image?

3. Read Matthew 17:1-20.

4. Have you ever had a significant mountaintop experience with God? Describe it to the group.What happened? What was the result of it (how did it impact you?)? What led you to thismountaintop? What can keep someone from finding themselves on the mountaintop?

5. Why might God want to reveal Himself in deeper ways to His people? How does someone become a person who longs for more of God?

6. What do you need to do as a result of this small group?

Sunday 28 September 2014

Transformation Prayer - Luke 11:14-28

1. Can you think of a time when you felt useless or helpless? Describe this time. How did you react to this helplessness?

2. Read Luke 11:14-28.

3. We need authority in this life and have been given authority. Why?

a. People are in bondage. What are people in bondage to? What are the symptoms of bondage? How might we discern if someone is ill or in bondage? How is bondage broken?

b. Because Christ came to set captives free. What are some examples you can think of where captives have been set free by Christ?

c. Because this same authority must be exercised on our part. Where in Scripture do we see believers exercising authority? Have you seen it in your lifetime?

d. This authority must be exercised with wisdom, under God’s instruction. What did Pastor Bill mean by this?

4. Where do you need to see the power of Christ in your life/your family’s life?

Sunday 14 September 2014

Finding it hard to Pray - John L

1. Spencer Vader shared about his bike journey across Canada to raise money for inner-city ministries. Share an “adventure” you have been on (hike, car trip, walk in a new city, etc.). Why did you go on this journey? What ministry most stirs your heart? How have you gotten involved in this ministry or how might you get involved in this ministry?

2. Describe someone from you past who you truly enjoyed talking with. What was it about this person that made discussion enjoyable?

3. Read Exodus 25:1-9. God wants to dwell with His people. What did this mean for Israel? How does He dwell with believers today? What does this mean for you?

4. Read Leviticus 9:23-24, 2 Corinthians 5:11, John 1:14, John 17:24-26 and Ephesians 1:13. What stands out to you in these passages?

5. Pastor Jon said that God has always been concerned with meeting His people. Do you agree? How have you experienced this?

6. Why do you think prayer is difficult for so many believers? What can be done to change ourattitude towards prayer?

7. What will you do this week as you seek to meet with God?